What To Expect on Your Wedding Day

Getting Ready. What To Expect From Your Videographer.

Post by
Kayla MacDonald

Getting Ready the Morning of Your Wedding.

What To Expect From Your Videographer.

So you’ve hired a wedding videographer who will be filming the getting ready portion of your day. And now you’re thinking

“Do I need to do anything to be ready for my videographer?”

“What will they be filming?”

“Should I have my makeup on before they get there?”

and many more. 

In short, there’s nothing to worry about, you can just relax and go along with your day as normal. This part of your day is for you and your bridal party to hang out and get ready. For the most part, your videographer will just document the morning as it happens - you’ll probably even forget they’re there after a few minutes!


Hopefully you and your videographer have already discussed the timing of your wedding day ahead of time. You likely discussed when you would expect them to arrive for the day and when they will be with the bride vs when they will be with the groom.

Sharing Time Between the Bride and the Groom

Your videographer usually has a tight schedule between seeing the bride getting ready and the groom (you're essentially getting ready at the same time in two different locations!). It can be a careful balancing act between the two getting ready parties. Make sure to go over this part in detail with your videographer so they know exactly where they should be.


What to Expect

Since the bride and bridesmaids typically take 3x as long to get ready as the groomsmen, your videographer will likely spend most of the morning with the girls getting ready. When your videographer arrives, they will introduces themselves and remind you to act natural on camera. After a few minutes you'll find that you forget they're even there at all!

Things they will be filming:

  • Hair & Makeup (Don't worry! They will focus on getting the finishing touches, not the transformation from beginning to end)
  • Accessories and Jewelry - During their spare time they may ask to see your wedding accessories so they can get a couple good detail shots.
  • Wedding Gown - The wedding dress is a staple in a wedding film and your videographer will ask to grab some video of your dress while you're busy getting ready.
  • Getting Dressed - This is the big highlight of the morning, when you finally get to put the dress on! Your wedding videographer will likely talk you through this part, asking you to go a little slower, allowing them to capture it all on camera.

The morning getting ready session is also a great opportunity for your videographer to get your dress fitted with a lavalier microphone (if you're using one). They will take this time to discuss with you how the mic works and talk through any questions you have.


What to Expect

The morning with the groomsmen is typically more relaxed than the bridesmaids and takes far less time. Your videographer will likely schedule 20-30 minutes to capture the groom and groomsmen getting ready. During this time your videographer will introduce themselves and their camera. They will also use this time to discuss how and where to hide the lavalier microphone.

Things they will be filming:

  • The Suit and Accessories - The wedding suit is another staple in a wedding film and your videographer will likely ask to grab some video of your suit and accessories while your hanging out with your groomsmen.
  • Getting Dressed - This is the main thing your videographer will want to capture. They will suggest the best place to get dressed and then talk you through each piece of clothing as it is put on. This allows them to get the best angles possible.

Last Words

The majority of your morning will be spent relaxing and acting as if your videographer is not even there. The few things they will ask of you is;

  • To see your wedding day wardrobe including accessories like earings, shoes and rings.
  • To discuss the placement of your lavalier microphone
  • To get dressed in front of the camera. This is where they will provide the most instruction for you.

If you're still not sure what to expect of your wedding videographer the morning of, don't be afraid to reach out to them and ask. Most videographers are happy to jump on a call with you and answer any questions you may have about the day.

If you have any questions for me, don't hesitate to reach out kaymacmedia@gmail.com.

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